1 Comment

Thank you Matt for this lovely article. I would like to add one comment if I may. In reality the health of the organism of society depends upon the recognition and thereafter the manifestation of the indepnedence and autonomy of the three spheres. Rudolf Steiner did not "invent" the Threefold. He simply gave words to something that each of us should have recognized, but failed to do without his help. No organism in the universe can thrive in an undifferentiated state of being - as it is expected of the present "unified state or government" where all the spheres are meant to be maintained in a kind of blender food condition. It is the responsibility of all of us now to recognize that our own spiritual development depends upon enough men and women who can begin to work tiredlessly towards the manifestation of the independence of the three social spheres in order to ensure not only the spiritual devlopment of each of us but also in order to heal the otherwise insurmountable woes which society is presently inflicting upon its very own members.

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