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You both might enjoy von Franz’s Number and Time thesis https://sumitupforme.blog/jungian-psychology/number-and-time-by-marie-louise-von-franz/, which she rewrites in On Divination and Synchronicity https://occult.g8x2.ldn.idrivee2-23.com/Psychology/Marie-Louise%20von%20Franz%20-%20On%20Divination%20and%20Synchronicity.pdf or Psyche and Matter https://maypoleofwisdom.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/psyche-and-matter-marie-louise-von-franz-z-lib.org_.pdf

The 3+1 symbolism is the alchemical formula to integrate the unconscious fourth (synchronicity) into the idea of time (past present future, where number is unconscious acausal order coming into consciousness:

“One becomes two, two becomes three, and out of the third comes the One as the fourth”.

Maria Prophetessa, quoted by Jung (1944)


As Jung notes, this process showed up mostly in dreams:

“The incomplete state of existence is, remarkably enough, expressed by a triadic system, and the complete (spiritual) state by a tetradic system. The relation between the incomplete and the complete state therefore corresponds to the ‘sesquitertian proportion’ of 3 : 4. This relation is known in Western alchemical tradition as the axiom of Maria. It also plays a not inconsiderable role in dream symbolism.”


“Jung used the axiom of Maria as a metaphor for the whole process of individuation. One is the original state of unconscious wholeness; two signifies the conflict between opposites; three points to a potential resolution; the third is the transcendent function; and the one as the fourth is a transformed state of consciousness, relatively whole and at peace”.

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