I’m sharing some thoughts after reading a chapter from Felix Guattari’s book Chaosmosis (1995). Turning again to the work of Guattari and his frequent collaborator Gilles Deleuze felt important as the US enters a dangerous moment in its own history. Fascism is not just an external threat, not just about those bad people over there. As Michel Foucault says in his preface to Anti-Oedipus (1972), we must beware of the way our own desires can be captured, of the little fascist in each of us that causes us to love power, even to love our own domination and exploitation.
“We must die as egos and be
born again in the swarm, not
separate and self-hypnotized, but
individual and related.”
-Henry Miller, Sexus
“To be cured,” Miller continues, “we must rise from our graves and throw off the cerements of the dead. Nobody can do it for another—it is a private affair which is best done collectively.”
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